Netboot ISO now avaialble under CDROM/ISO in Hosteons.comĀ VPS Control Panel, you can now install almost any OS of your choice directly from ISO without even downloading the ISO
You can install following operating systems in your VPS via the Netboot ISO:
Operating Systems
- Alpine Linux
- Antergos
- Arch Linux
- CentOS
- CoreOS Container Linux
- Debian
- Devuan
- Fedora
- FreeBSD
- FreeDOS
- Gentoo
- IPFire
- Mageia
- Manjaro Linux
- Microsoft Windows
- MirOS
- OpenBSD
- OpenSUSE
- RancherOS
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Scientific Linux
- Tiny Core Linux
- Ubuntu
Following Security Related ISO are also available via Netboot
- BlackArch Linux
- Kali Linux
- Parrot Security
- ALT Linux Rescue
- AVG Rescue CD
- Breakin
- Clonezilla
- GParted
- Grml
- Memtest
- Partition Wizard
- Pogostick – Offline Windows Password and Registry Editor
- Super Grub2 Disk
- SystemRescueCD
- Ultimate Boot CD